Lighting Retrofits

What is a Lighting Retrofit?

A lighting retrofit is a simple way to make your building's lighting more energy efficient. Over time, these energy savings can be significant enough to not only pay for the equipment, but may produce a return on investment.

Lighting retrofits not only improve the quality of light, but also result in less heat in the building envelope reducing HVAC run times. Couple this with increased longevity of lamp life and possible utility incentives to help reduce project costs, and one can easily see the return of investments can be significant.

Rising electricity costs, environmental regulations and concerns about employee well-being have businesses, consumers and government agencies looking for an energy strategy that will not only save money, but will add business value into the future. With lighting accounting for more than 25 percent of the energy used in most facilities, increased efficiency can make a big difference to your monthly energy bill.


Examples of Retrofits

Swapping out lamps and ballasts (energy efficiency coupled with improved lighting quality)

Retrofit fixtures that install in minutes. These simple installations allow you to use the existing fixture housing and wiring so ceiling tiles don't have to be removed. Upgrading the internal fixture components with energy efficient replacements can reduce your energy use by as much as 67 percent. In addition, we can assist with recycling the aluminum louver, channel cover, lamps and ballasts in an environmentally friendly way.

Adding or upgrading lighting controls to improve the efficiency of current systems. Some controls are wireless.


Do I Need a Lighting Retrofit?

There are many reasons you may consider a lighting retrofit in your building.

  • Do you have older lighting technologies such as T12 fluorescent, 32-watt T8 fluorescent, or metal halide?
  • Has your layout changed requiring optimized lighting in areas?
  • Are you looking for ways to cut operating expenses and battle rising energy costs?
  • Are you considering taking advantage of local and state tax incentives?
  • Are your lights operating more than 16 hours per day?
  • Is your basic utility rate greater than $.05 for kWh?
  • Does your organization have corporate-level green/sustainability initiatives that a lighting retrofit would support?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you would benefit from a lighting upgrade.

What is the Process?

What are the benefits to Lighting Retrofits?

With lighting accounting for more than 25 percent of the energy used in most buildings, increased efficiency can make a big difference to your monthly energy bill.

Reduced Energy and Maintenance Costs

According to the Energy Savings Cost Council, energy-efficient lighting upgrades represent the highest return on investment of any single-technology project, with an average ROI of 45 percent.

These upgrades pay for themselves in as little as 2.2 years and the payback continues over the lifetime of the system through reduced energy and maintenance costs.

Tax Incentives and Rebates

Numerous tax incentives and utility rebates are available for choosing sustainable lighting for non-residential buildings. Federal, state and local programs may provide incentives for the certified use of qualifying energy-efficient lighting technologies in both new construction and renovation applications.

Improved Safety

High quality lighting can improve facility safety, reduce quality incidents, improve productivity and increase occupant satisfaction. Newer technologies often have better lighting-quality characteristics, such as improved color, reduced flicker and greater light output.

Improved Performance and Productivity

A Cornell University study found that one in four workers experienced a loss in work time based on vision problems and discomfort caused by poor lighting. The study found improvements in the average office lighting system can result in a 3-5 percent gain in employee productivity.

Environmental Impact / Corporate Social Responsibility

By consuming less electricity, you can reduce your electrical load, thus reducing the demand and associated emissions from "off-site" power generation. In addition, lighting upgrades and other sustainability initiatives can help you keep up with investor, community and customer environmental expectations.

Property Valuation

Research done by Energy Star using Quickscope, an energy analysis software tool, found that each $1 invested in energy efficiency could increase asset value by as much as $3.

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