Chapple Electric Blog

Shocking Electrical Safety Tips

Electrical Fire Prevention:
Be prepared. Stay safe. 

Nov 08, 2023

Electrical fires were one of the leading causes of fire-related deaths in the past five years.  However, simple safety tips and regular home maintenance can reduce the risk of electrical fires, keeping you and your family safe.   Prevent Electrical Fires at Home: The Basics You can help prevent electrical fires at home simply by using your home’s electrical system properly. Look around for electrical hazards in your home and correct them. Certain items can expose you and your family to the risk of fire, such as: Electrical cords under rugs or pinched behind f... Read more...

Deck the Halls Safely


Nov 08, 2023

  Ready to decorate your yard Griswold style? Before any Lampoon-like disasters, you may want to reconsider upgrading your breaker box. A most wonderful time of the year for house fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), each holiday season an average of 150 homes are burned, 8 people killed, and 14 injured due to incorrect use of holiday lights. Before you deck the halls – deck your wall with a new electrical panel All those lights covering your roof, windows, trees and bushes might not seem as powerful as your jumbo-size snow blower, but multi... Read more...